Money Matters

The Unfortunate Cost of Living (or, The Four ‘F’s of Vanlife)

We in the Backwards Van don't have jobs. After almost 11 months living in our van Dixie and travelling over 25,000 miles, we may have forgotten entirely how to even have a job at all as the very idea of work, of a structured daily routine and the stuffy, serious cubicle life all disappear in… Continue reading The Unfortunate Cost of Living (or, The Four ‘F’s of Vanlife)

Money Matters

28 Days Later (Notes from a Budget Meeting)

Since the Backwards Van published a post about money last month in an effort to disspell the many myths about the true price of vanlife, we have been inundated with even more questions about cash (you can read that post here, it's been our most popular yet, read in 36 countries worldwide! ) It… Continue reading 28 Days Later (Notes from a Budget Meeting)

Money Matters

Money Makes The Wheels Go Around (Budgeting in the Backwards Van)

There is only so much planning one can do in life. Planning means carefully considering and thoughtfully predicting and then preparing for any and all things that might happen in the future....that sounds exhausting to me. Planning a nomadic life like this would be virtually impossible anyway, the very act of making plans seems to… Continue reading Money Makes The Wheels Go Around (Budgeting in the Backwards Van)

Money Matters

On The Road (to financial freedom) : pt 1

Part of our decision to move full-time into Dixie (the Backwards Van) was, like a lot of life's decisions, financially based. W.E. (William & Elizabeth) were sick and tired of watching our money disappear from our account; rent, utilities, food and all the day-to-day "necessities" that most people take for granted were really making us… Continue reading On The Road (to financial freedom) : pt 1